“Surviving a HOA Standoff: A Guide to Resolving Issues with a Non-Responsive Association”

Feb 12, 2023

If your homeowners association (HOA) becomes unresponsive, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Review the HOA’s governing documents: Make sure you understand the HOA’s rules and regulations, including their responsibilities and obligations to the homeowners. This information can help you determine what actions are appropriate.
  2. Contact the board of directors: Try to reach out to the board members to discuss your concerns. If they are unresponsive, consider sending a written request for information or a resolution to the issues.
  3. Attend HOA meetings: Attend HOA meetings and voice your concerns during the open forum or in writing. You can also request that the issue be added to the agenda for discussion.
  4. Escalate the issue: If the HOA continues to be unresponsive, consider escalating the issue to higher authorities, such as state regulatory agencies or a local elected official.
  5. Hire an attorney: In some cases, it may be necessary to hire an attorney to represent your interests. An attorney can provide legal advice, help mediate disputes, and represent you in court if necessary.

It’s important to keep in mind that the resolution of disputes with an HOA can be a lengthy process, so it’s important to be patient and persistent.

Please get in touch with us here at GPS if you have other suggestions or are in need of a client recommendation for any service providers ie an attorney.


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