The Not-So-Glamorous Life of a Realtor: A Peek Behind the Scenes

Jul 16, 2024

By Vanessa Saunders –  Founder & CEO – Global Property Systems

When you think of Realtors, what comes to mind? The glamorous, high-stakes world of buying and selling properties as portrayed on TV? The sleek cars, the designer suits, the seamless transactions? Welcome to La La Land! Here in the real world, especially in the Northeast, the life of a Realtor is a rollercoaster of stress, surprises, and more than a few laughs. Let me give you a peek behind the scenes of a Realtor’s not-so-glamorous yet undeniably entertaining life.

1. The Pricing Predicament

Pricing a house is like baking a soufflé. Get the ingredients right and it rises beautifully; get them wrong, and it falls flat. Imagine trying to set a price on a house that looks like a Picasso painting in a neighborhood of Norman Rockwell’s. You do your best with market data, but sometimes, despite all efforts, the market just isn’t buying it (literally). Then there’s the fun part: explaining to clients why their beloved avocado-green kitchen from the ’70s isn’t fetching top dollar. If only we had a crystal ball to show us the perfect price every time and save us from these awkward conversations!

2. The Tech Nightmares

Ever tried to log into Facebook from a remote location to manage a marketing campaign, only to be told you must verify your identity from a desktop computer two hours away? Yep, that’s a common occurrence. Just when you need to post that urgent update or respond to a potential buyer, technology decides to throw a wrench in your plans. Who knew being a Realtor required a degree in IT?

3. The Wild Showings

Showings are where the magic happens—or not. There’s nothing quite like being chased around a property by a client’s pet parrot. That’s right, Polly doesn’t want a cracker; Polly wants a piece of you! Then there’s the time you find a “sleeping” homeowner who, after a moment of sheer panic thinking you’ve discovered a body, turns out to just be a deep sleeper. Heart attack averted, but your nerves are shot for the day.

4. The Marketing Money Pit

You’ve poured hundreds—if not thousands—of dollars into marketing a property. Flyers, social media ads, professional photos, and virtual tours. Yet, clients still feel you’re not doing enough. “Can’t you just do a little more?” they ask, oblivious to the fact that you’ve already done everything short of skywriting the listing details above their house. 

5. The Misadventures in Open Houses

Hosting an open house is an adventure in itself. From potential buyers tracking mud all over pristine carpets to kids using the master bedroom as their personal playroom, it’s a wild ride. Let’s remember the nosy neighbors who show up just to see how their own home stacks up without any intention of buying. Personally, I prefer not to do open houses because I vet everyone who comes into the home for their ability to buy rather than having nosy neighbors or people casing the joint. 

6. The No-Shows

You’ve done everything in your power and budget to sell a property, but sometimes, despite all efforts, not a single person shows up. Clients are mad, and you’re left trying to explain that the market just isn’t there for the house or, maybe, that price. ( They say there’s a buyer for every house, but only at a price they can afford. )  The stress of dealing with frustrated clients in these scenarios makes you question if it’s all worth it. 

7. The Weather Woes

Rain, snow, sleet, or shine, the showings must go on. Ever tried to sell a property during a Nor’easter? You’re trudging through snowdrifts, trying to keep a smile on your face while your toes are frozen solid. And when you finally get back to your car, you realize you’re stuck and have to dig yourself out. Glamorous, right? If only a crystal ball could control the weather.

8. The DIY Disasters

Sellers who fancy themselves as DIY experts can be a Realtor’s nightmare. The number of sellers who have no clue that they needed the permission of their town’s building department prior to adding that extra bedroom, bathroom, or finished basement is astounding. If it’s not legal, your only chance of selling is to an unwitting cash buyer, and people with that amount of cash are usually not unwitting! Sellers sometimes take it personally when I’m doing what I’m licensed to do—make sure the properties I represent are legal to sell. That means we’re duty-bound to reveal material facts, like there’s a dead body buried in the garden!

9. The Emotional Rollercoaster

Buying or selling a home is an emotional process, and as a Realtor, you’re often caught in the crossfire. Tears, tantrums, and celebrations are all part of the job. You’re a therapist, mediator, and cheerleader all rolled into one, helping clients navigate the ups and downs of real estate transactions. Sometimes, it feels like every Realtor should have a PhD in psychology—or at least be a clairvoyant with a crystal ball!

10. The Unexpected Finds

Opening a closet to find a hidden stash of taxidermy animals? Check. Discovering a secret room that wasn’t in the blueprints? Double check. The body of your (former) client lying at the bottom of the stairs! Triple Check! Someone in the shower when you’re showing the bathroom….the list goes on.

Real estate is full of surprises, and you quickly learn to expect the unexpected. Each property is a mystery waiting to be unraveled, often in the most bizarre ways. 

11. The Client Juggling Act

Balancing multiple clients, each with their own unique demands, can feel like a circus act. One minute you’re calming a panicked first-time buyer, the next you’re negotiating with a tough-as-nails seller. Keeping everyone happy and the deals moving forward is a feat worthy of an Olympic gold medal.

12. The Neighborhood Expert

As a Realtor, you’re expected to know everything about the neighborhood—from the best schools to the top pizza joints. Clients will ask you about crime rates, future developments, and even the names of the friendly local cats. Being a walking, talking encyclopedia of local knowledge is part of the job, but keeping up with every detail can be challenging. And let’s not forget the time when you confidently recommended a “great” local restaurant, only to find out it had shut down months ago. Doing research before buying is part of the buyer’s job too. We can’t possibly know everything they want to know. And now our governing body is changing the rules on us—and you—thanks to lawsuits and the fallout of some greedy individuals. No, it’s not all that they portray on TV, but the upside is that on the whole, it can be a very rewarding career, especially if you love helping people in whatever way you can to make the move smooth.

13. The Transparency Trap

Many Realtors don’t want you to know the whole story, only telling you what they want you to know, especially regarding offers. Did they really only have two offers, or were there more? You’ll never know unless your Realtor uses blockchain technology to ensure you see them all. It’s your house, so you should get to choose which offer suits you best, not your Realtor! 

So, the next time you see a Realtor portrayed as living the high life on TV, remember the reality is far more entertaining—challenging, and maybe not so glamorous. From stubborn clients and tech woes to wild showings and unexpected discoveries, the life of a Realtor is never dull. But despite the stress, the chaos, and the occasional parrot chase, we wouldn’t have it any other way. Because at the end of the day, helping someone find their dream home or sell a cherished property is worth every laugh, tear, and hair-pulling moment.

Welcome to the real world of real estate! And if anyone finds a crystal ball, let me know!



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